Today, I went to the doctor, mainly due to my sinus infection, but also I have a few more health related concerns. I have an appointment for blood work next week, but I'm not waiting for those results to make a change.
Its no secret that I have gained weight the last 2 years, high levels of stress has created quite the munching monster in me. I've indulged in comfort food, chocolate and just about anything else that looks appealing, well, time for me to take control of my life again.
So, I have put a 1 month plan into place, cause I don't think planning in great lengths of time has been successful, so I'm breaking this plan up into smaller segments. First, month journey will include lots of fresh veggies and fruit, with EVERY meal. And yes, I must start drinking my gallon of water a day again, its super important and going into these winter months it will also help combat the dry skin blues.
Second part of the month journey includes getting my feet moving again. I'm not looking to break records, but I need to move my feet again. Tonight I have reserved a trail run with my boys and I'm so looking forward to it.
Its a new dawn, its a new life, for me.
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